How to wash filter bag/sock for reuse?

Not all filter bags/socks can be cleaned and reused. For example, only Surface filter – mesh bags/socks can be washed to reuse because particles are left on the surface of mesh media, while particles left deeply in the media of needle felts.

(To learn the difference between Depth filter and Surface filter. )

1 – Have a used, dirty filter bag.

a used bag

2 – Turn over the bag.

Turn over the bag.

3 – Flush it with tap water. Make sure to flush more on the bag bottom. It usually leaves impurities on the sewing felts on the bottom.

Flush it with tap water

If it’s not clean enough, soak the bag for a while and repeat the above steps.

If necessary, clean gently with a brush. Must do it gently here.

4- Hang up and dry.

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